Pluvinel- Den Nye Rideinstruktørportalen

Jeg traff min venninne Camilla i Portugal i 2011, der vi begge hadde rideferie på fantastiske Escola de Equitação de Alcainça. Den gangen bar Camilla på en idé. En businessidé basert på et behov hun selv hadde. Hun ønsket en portal der man kunne finne rideinstruktører på tvers av disipliner og landegrenser. Kanskje man ønsket å prøve ut en ny ridedisiplin, eller dra på rideferie slik vi gjorde – hun ønsket en brukervennlig portal som var laget for hestefolket.

Vi skrur tiden frem til i dag, 2016. Hennes idé er nå en virkelighet. Rideinstruktørportalen Pluvinel er blitt til, og tiltrekker seg nye, spennende instruktører fra alle verdens hjørner hver eneste dag. Men, enda viktigere – mens Pluvinel sin instruktørbase vokser, finner flere og flere ryttere og hesteinteresserte sin instruktør, og kan dermed utvikle seg ytterligere, som ryttere. Dette er noe jeg støtter veldig! 🙂

For noen uker siden ble jeg intervjuet av Camilla, og resultatet kom ut i nyhetsbrevet – Camilla, håper det er i orden at jeg deler det her 🙂 screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-11-04-34


Good communication means happy horses and happy riders!

Helene Føllesdal is a Norwegian/American part-time dressage instructor, based in Oslo, Norway. She takes her time with all of her students, always gauging what is the best for them and their horses. She emphasizes her own responsibility as their dressage trainer to explain in a way that they understand, stressing that a dialogue means everything.

“When my students understand what I am teaching, they become more aware of what their seat and posture are telling the horse. The more precise we can be in asking the horse what we would like it to do, the easier it is for the horse to respond. Good communication means happy horses and happy riders!” she says.

“My understanding of dressage is the alignment of two souls, two breathing individuals, two spines. It is movement and balance in harmony. It is using your balance, weight, and breathing, to communicate with your horse in a way that makes him want to dance with you! Having a good dressage foundation is the core of any riding discipline, and the beauty of it, when it is done in a harmonious way is just breathtaking to me.” she says.

When Helene was 12 years old she once helped a fellow riding friend during their lesson. Immediately, she felt that this was what she was supposed to do in life. Sharing the moment of accomplishment when her friend and her horse danced together in harmony was life changing.

“I still feel the same joy and purpose when I give lessons, to this day, almost 20 years and many many lessons and riders later.”

Would you like to get in touch with Helene Føllesdal? You can find her on, the great online resource to find dedicated instructors. 

(Hentet fra Pluvinel sitt nyhetsbrev november 2016)
